ECF 652-W1 Spring 2017: Leadership/Assessment/Evaluate

Bird leading others in front of a sunset

Photo by Flickr user David Spinks


652 Syllabus-8 wk Spring II-2017 Drft 030517.pdf

PLEASE NOTE: This is the Draft of the 652 - "Leadership Assessment & Evaluation" syllabus for this Spring II 2017 term. I like to post the draft during the " review week," to allow errors to be identified. Also, you will note that the Course ID issued from Pearson Publishing is smith32047 (see pg. 3 in syllabus). NOTE: within MML our course is listed as “Developing Management Skills, 9th edition – smith32047 (Feb. 11,20117-Jan 1,2018)."
Be sure to click on the correct course to gain access to the assessments and videos. This Course ID Code used with the code issued with your text book will give you access to MyManagementLab (MML).  I will post the Final syllabus when the course officially begins. Please also see my "Welcome Announcement" which I will issue in the Announcements section of this Canvas course.

Course Description

This experiential course is focused on helping students expand their leadership/management capability through systematic assessment of their existing competencies, targeted skill development, and by providing practice in applying the newly acquired skills. A five-step learning framework is used to “drive” this skill acquisition process. These steps consist of: (1) self-evaluations (using structured assessments), (2) skill learning – reading theory and research-validated explanations, (3) skill analysis through case study examples, (4) skill practice using exercises, simulations and role plays, and (5) skill application – where classroom learning is transferred to real-life situations. During this skill development process, the student receives feedback from self-assessment results, faculty, other participants and co-workers.

Topics will include: self awareness, time and stress management, individual and group problem solving, communication, power and influence, motivation, conflict management, empowerment, and team leadership, and leading positive change.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due